Become a Sustainable Libraries Initiative Member

Joining as a member of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI) is a fantastic way to learn more about how libraries can take a leadership role in promoting sustainable practices in their communities. You'll gain access to a range of valuable resources, including webinars, policy examples, our custom CO2 emissions calculator, and to our vendor list, which is a taxonomy of eco-conscious organizations we are continuously adding to. These tools will help you make informed decisions and take practical steps towards becoming a sustainable library. 

Once you've had a chance to explore the resources available through your SLI membership, you may decide that it's time to take the next step and join the Sustainable Libraries Certification Program (SLCP). The SLCP is a comprehensive program that offers further guidance and support to help your library become certified as sustainable.

"Our Library staff really embraced the process of learning through sustainability. When we realized that making small changes could make such a big difference, the staff were all-in" - Patchogue Medford Public Library

For pricing information, click here. Already have your invoice? Pay here