Climate Action Resources

Every job is a climate job. This isn't being said lightly, but this also does not mean that the entire weight of avoiding global climate collapse falls on any one of our shoulders. What this means is that whatever role you are in, whatever decisions you are responsible for, you can move the needle towards more sustainable decision-making in your organization.

A majority of Americans now think our government should do more to fight climate change. Additionally, among Americans who have experienced extreme weather, a majority see a link to climate change. This Pew Research report also states that “in 2021, 43.08% of the contiguous U.S. experienced extremes in temperature, precipitation or drought, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Extremes Index (CEI).





ALA’s Call to Action on Climate Change

Climate Change Library Lab

Blue Marble Library Blog

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action in Libraries and Archives

IFLA: Sustainability is Libraries’ Business

Climate Change

Yale Climate Connections

United Nations Climate Change: Action for Climate Empowerment

Programming Resources

ALA Resilient Communities Programming Guide

Example: Columbia County Climate Carnival


CREW: Communities Responding to Extreme Weather

Programming Librarian: Bringing Faith Communities Together: Weather Emergency Preparedness at the Library

IFLA: Library Policy and Advocacy Blog: Libraries as Resilience Builders: Advocating for Libraries in Disaster Risk Reduction

Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Hurricane/Tropical Storm Emergency Management

Video: Libraries and Wildfire Preparedness Panel Discussion

National Wildlife Federation’s Climate Smart Communities Program

Webinar: Disaster Planning and Community Resilience at your library

Climate Justice

Yale Climate Connections: What is Climate Justice?

Climate Justice Alliance Just Transition: A Framework for Change

Campus Climate Justice Toolkit

USCAN (US Climate Action Network) USCAN’s Justice Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Statement

Wildfires disproportionately affect the poor

Climate Action Plans

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions: U.S. State Climate Action Plans

American Libraries: Ready for Action

San Francisco Public Library’s Climate Action Plan

San Diego County Climate Action plan

Climate Change Research and Reports

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

UN: Climate Change ‘Biggest Threat Modern Humans Have Ever Faced’...

NPR: You’ve likely been affected by climate change

Pew Research Center: Most Americans who have faced extreme weather see a link to climate change - Republicans included 

Open Climate Campaign

Libraries Responding to Weather Emergencies

Video: The Role of Libraries and Telecenters after Disasters

Queens Library: Superstorm Sandy Diary

Library Journal: Libraries Damaged, Librarians Respond, After Hurricane’s Fury

Interactive Tools

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Meet the Challenges of a Changing Climate

NOAA: Is your community exposed to climate hazards? 

The Climate Explorer: Explore how climate is projected to change in any county in the US

Locating Neighborhoods at Risk (Headwater Economics):

Climate X Change: State Climate Policy Tracker

New York Climate Change Resources

NY Climate Justice Working Group

NY Climate Action Council

Department of State: Resilience Planning