Published on June 21, 2023

SLI meet up at ALA banner

On Saturday, June 24 from 9:00 - 11:00 am in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton-Chicago, you are invited to our Sustainable Libraries Initiative Meet Up at ALA Annual!

Enjoy refreshments, networking, and some face time with the co-founder's of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and Advisory Board. This is the perfect occasion for newcomers or anyone who is currently enrolled in the certification program, as well as members of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative to come and get answers about sustainability and certification as well as a chance for those new or interested in sustainable practices to learn about the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, our community, and what we're all about.

All are welcome! Click below to RSVP. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

RSVP for the SLI Meet Up at ALA TODAY!

Hilton-Chicago - Presidential Suite
720 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60605