Published on January 19, 2022

Hauppauge Public Library exterior


The Sustainable Libraries Initiative celebrates reaching double digits in the number of libraries certified! The addition of Hauppauge Public Library to our group of Certified Sustainable Libraries brings us to a total of 10 certified public libraries. 

Hauppauge Public Library has found ways to reduce energy use in their leased space by utilizing natural and LED lighting, energy efficient electronics, and EnergyStar-rated appliances. They have shared their mission to reduce waste by collaborating with their community to recycle a variety of household items. Their efforts led to over 2,000 pounds of waste items being diverted from landfills.

Over the last couple of years, Hauppauge engaged with their community to identify their most pressing needs and have worked to address these. This has resulted in events organized by Hauppauge Public Library that have brought together local residents and businesses. The library has also dedicated a portion of their website to host “The Buzz,” a source of news and information for the local Hauppauge community.

Hauppauge Public Library Green Team group photo

For more information about Hauppauge Public Library’s Certification, please see our Press Release, the February 2022 Newsletter, and their SLI Certification Presentation.


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