Published on May 25, 2023

The Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI) is excited to be collaborating with the New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) at their upcoming conference to provide a series of events. The SLI is a leading organization that supports libraries as they tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time: climate change. This year's NJLA conference offers several opportunities to learn from and engage with the SLI and its co-founders, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich and Matthew Bollerman. 

The NJLA conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about sustainability in libraries and engage with the SLI and its co-founders and staff. Join us to learn how your library can make a positive impact on our planet and create more sustainable and resilient communities at these events throughout the conference:

On Wednesday afternoon of conference take a deep dive on sustainability with SLI Co-Founders Rebekkah Smith Aldrich and Matthew Bollerman
Pre-conference: Sustainable Thinking Simplified Wednesday, May 31st from 2:00-5:00pm

You don't need a huge budget to make sustainability an integral part of your library. Learn about best practices that are scalable for libraries of all sizes with resources from the Sustainable Libraries Initiative. From decisions large to small, sustainable thinking will serve your library well to prepare for climate change, support social equity, and keep an eye on the bottom line while respecting the triple bottom line.

On Thursday morning of conference get inspired with SLI Co-Founder & Board President Rebekkah Smith Aldrich who is the 2023 NJLA Keynote Speaker

Keynote: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich: Our Grandest Challenge
Climate Change has been called our generation's grandest challenge, a "code red for humanity," and is predicted to profoundly affect the health of every child alive today. Confronting the realities of climate change and truly doing work that will build community resilience requires us to recognize the deep entanglements of environmental stewardship, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and economics. Join Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Co-Founder and Board President of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, to untangle this very complex issue and learn how more than 70 libraries across the country are stepping up to tackle this challenge by modeling best practices and working to be catalysts for a just transition to a new way of thinking about the future.

On Thursday afternoon of conference come hang out with Rebekkah again as she joins an esteemed panel discussion from 4:10-5:00pm
Community Partners for Sustainability and Resiliency

Panel discussion on community partnerships that foster library sustainability and resiliency, featuring Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Executive Director of Mid Hudson NY Library System; Deborah Costa, FEMA NJ Community Integration Team, and Keith Adams, Executive Director at the New Jersey Voluntary Organizations. Come learn what each of these partners have to offer libraries, and how we all work together to create a more sustainable and resilient community. Presenters:

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Executive director of the Mid-Hudson Library System (NY) and co-founder/current president of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative

Deborah Costa, NJ FEMA Integration Team-Preparedness

Keith Adams, Executive Director at NJ Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NJVOAD)

The Sustainable Libraries Initiative will have a booth in the exhibit hall as well! Come say hi and meet Matthew, Rebekkah, Roger & Alex! We'll have some sustainable swag to give away and a special discount on the Sustainable Library Certification Program registration fee for conference attendees.