News Type

March 19, 2024

Climate Action Strategy Survey for U.S. Libraries launches

ALA and SLI are seeking feedback from the field. This survey is intended for library leaders. The Working Group identifies library leaders as ALL library workers and trustees given each person's sphere of influence to make a difference on the topic of climate action. The survey should take 8-10 minutes to complete. It will remain open until Friday, April 5, 2024.
In the Spotlight

March 19, 2024

SLI member meetup at PLA Conference in Columbus, Ohio

Are you going to PLA? If so, join us for lunch in Columbus! Are you going to PLA in Columbus? Are you planning on exploring some local restaurants? Join Hazel and other available members of the SLI to chat about all things sustainably and libraries. Together let's eat, drink, be merry and make some like-minded friends!
Event Announcements